Learn One Amazing Secret That Helps You Let Go
Are you ready to learn one of the best ways to facilitate letting go?
Set some boundaries or guidelines around your decision-making before you start the actual process of releasing things. Setting parameters in advance will allow you to move at a faster pace, decrease stress and reduce decision-fatigue.
Here’s one way you might use this concept. Let’s say you have decades worth of health-related newsletters. Some you’ve read and others you haven’t. While you know there’s a lot of interesting information in those pages, the information isn’t current. So instead of reading through every newsletter, you decide to activate a parameter. You choose that for any health newsletter that’s over five years old you’ll recycle it immediately without looking through the pages. By setting this date parameter, you’ll save yourself hours of reading information that isn’t relevant. Instead you can use your decision-making energy for more important choices.
You can use the parameter concept for other areas too. Let’s say your closet is overflowing. It’s a daily challenge to get dressed. There’s no space on the racks or shelves to move things around so you can’t see what’s there. You have an abundance of black pants and bulky sweaters, many of which you don’t wear. So instead of organizing the entire closet, you start with only those two categories. You opt to put some guidelines in place and decide that four pairs of black pants and six bulky sweaters are “enough.” Now it’s a matter of selecting which are your favorites. With your number parameters in place, it makes letting go easier.
Now it’s your turn to choose. Which parameters will make the letting go part of your organizing [project] easier? Remember that the more parameters you establish in advance, the less decision-fatigue you’ll experience, the faster you’ll reach your goals, and the less stress you’ll experience.
Linda Samuels, CPO-CD® is a compassionate, enthusiastic Professional Organizer who is well known for guiding her clients in a supportive, patient and nonjudgmental way. Based in Croton on Hudson, NY, she works with clients throughout the United States. Click here to learn more about Linda and Oh, So Organized!
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