Posts Tagged ‘Clutter’

Organizing Your Garage!

Posted on: July 23rd, 2012 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

Summer is here—with lots of sunshine, heat and humidity! It’s time to take a well-deserved break.
Let’s get started and turn over another leaf!

Organizing Your Garage

“I had more clothes than I had closets, more cars than garage space, but no money.” Sammy Davis, Jr.

Are you able to park your car(s) in your garage? If you can’t, do you keep your garage door closed to hide the clutter? Many people say that their garage is their most disorganized space.

The same principles used to organize the inside of your house can also be applied to the garage.


When you live in our region of the country, organizing the garage has to be done when the weather permits. Choose a date and time as well as an alternate date in case of extremely hot or poor weather. Check with your neighbours. You may not want to clear out your garage when they’re planning a yard sale. Their customers will assume you’re having a yard sale too!

The size of your garage and the amount of clutter will determine how much time you will need. Remember to set a realistic goal for the amount of time you have set aside. Decide if this will be a project for the whole family.


Stock up ahead of time–garbage bags, recycle bin, empty boxes, broom, dust pan, gloves, etc. Have cold drinks and snacks readily available.

Get Started

Dress comfortably. Put on your favourite tunes.

Designate areas: Keep, Sell, Donate, Garbage and Recycling. Have the children label areas on the driveway with coloured sidewalk chalk.

Start by removing everything from the garage onto your driveway and/or lawn. If that’s too overwhelming, work on one area at a time. As you empty the garage, sort items into categories—toys, sporting equipment, bikes, tools, car cleaning supplies, outdoor decorations, gardening items, etc. Ensure that all items you keep are in good, working condition. Place items to donate or sell into boxes or bags. Recycling and garbage should be placed in their designated area.

The most important thing is to stay focused on the project at hand. Take short breaks to keep up your energy—especially if your children are helping. Visualize the end result; it will help keep you on track.

Questions to Ask when Sorting

Do I need more than one of an item? How often do I use it? Borrowing or renting an item may be a better option—especially if it takes up a lot of space.

Be realistic about how much your garage will hold.

Organizing Your Possessions

Gather together everything you want to store in an area before you start organizing that space. Designate a different zone for each activity–toys, sporting equipment, bikes, tools, gardening items, garbage and recycling, etc.

Plastic containers are ideal for garage storage because they keep items clean and the bugs away. The garage is not a good place to store photos and heirlooms because of extreme temperature differences.

Use storage containers that you already own. It’s important to measure before you buy any new containers; only buy containers if you need a different size or style. Clear storage containers are best—especially if containers will be stacked. Try to avoid rows of containers; if you have to move a lot of containers, an item is less likely to be put back. Remember to label all containers.

Make use of vertical space as much as possible. Adjust shelves or add extra ones.

Hang tools on pegboards. Draw an outline of the tool, so everyone knows where it belongs.

Stacking recycle bins are available to conserve space.

Create parking spaces for your children’s bikes with paint or tape lines on the garage floor.

Deck boxes are great for storing cushions and other outdoor items.

A cabinet just inside the garage close to the deck can store plastic dishes, glasses and other serving items–making table setting easier.
Garage storage cabinets are available in various price ranges at home building and hardware stores. Cabinets look tidier because items are out of sight. Ceiling-mounted racks can store less frequently used items. There are numerous garage organizing companies who will create the garage of your dreams.

Make sure that paint, gardening chemicals and cleaning supplies are stored safely and out of reach of young children. Dispose of them safely at a household hazardous waste location.

Consider installing a shed to store items such as lawn mowers, lawn furniture, etc., if you don’t have a garage.


You’ll feel like you’ve really completed your project if you can dispose of any donations, recycling and garbage right away.

Reward Yourself

Plan a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy after all your hard work!

Kind Words from Our Client J.K.!

Posted on: June 7th, 2012 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

“You gave me lots of inspiration to get my own place back in order, and all week have been taking a part of my day to just focus on decluttering one small area of my house. It’s starting to really show now. I even took a few “Before” pics to see the difference. Thanks so much for coming and speaking to us.” J.K.

Thanks for reading…

P.S. To read more testimonials, please CLICK HERE!

Prepare to be Productive!

Posted on: May 28th, 2012 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

In order to be productive, you must be prepared. People often think planning and preparation take too much time, but it actually saves time. It will also lower your stress level.

Brian Tracy, an American author says, “Prepare thoroughly before you begin: Have everything you need at hand before you start. Assemble all the papers, information, tools, work materials, and numbers you might require so that you can get started and keep going.”

You are far less likely to be distracted when you’re well prepared before tackling any project. Whether you’re at the office or at home, you’ll accomplish your tasks more quickly.

Welcome to Cathy’s Desk

Posted on: February 7th, 2012 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

Welcome to our very first edition. My hope is that you will be inspired–as well as motivated–to improve your personal and business life by turning over a new leaf. I want you to live your ideal life.

I invite you to share our newsletter with your friends and family. As well, I welcome your feedback and suggestions.

So let’s get started and turn over the first leaf!

“Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris (1834-1896), English Designer

Do you need to get more organized in 2012?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  •  How much time does it take you to look for your car keys or other misplaced items?
  •  Have you bought something because you couldn’t find it?
  •  Are you afraid to open your closet because of a possible avalanche?
  •  Has it been a long time since you’ve invited company into your home?
  •  Is your clutter causing problems in any of your relationships?
  •  Have you spent a whole day or weekend attempting to sort through your clutter and ended up with a worse mess?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, don’t worry—you are not alone. It’s never too late to start!

Everyone has clutter to some extent. There are many reasons for clutter. Our lives are so busy. Overscheduling ourselves and our children often doesn’t leave much spare time. Procrastination, perfectionism, traumatic events, indecision and illness are only some of the reasons that clutter collects. It’s easy for things to get out of control over time. Why does this happen?

It happens because we (North Americans) like to accumulate stuff. Why is there such a high value placed on having so many possessions? Are you trying to keep up with the Joneses? Are you drowning in debt in order to do so? This compulsion to accumulate causes clutter. How do you deal with that clutter?

A frequent complaint is that people never seem to have enough storage space. Did you know that buying in bulk is only recommended if you have sufficient storage space for your items? More storage space is often an important consideration when buying a new house. Before moving, a major purge usually takes place—it’s an opportunity for a new start. However, a bigger house just means more space to fill up.

Unfortunately, other than when people move, a major purge doesn’t usually occur unless there’s a good reason. When I tell people I’m a Professional Organizer, a frequent response is: “Could I ever use your help!” Often it is obvious that their clutter is causing them some stress. When you come home at the end of a busy day, you want to relax. It’s easy to understand why sorting through clutter isn’t at the top of your to-do list. There are many more fun things you can find to do with your time.

Did you know…

  •  80% of paper that is filed is never looked at again?
  •  Most people only wear 20% of the clothes in their closet 80% of the time? Do you have an outfit hanging in your closet that still has the price tag on it?
  •  There is an Institute for Challenging Disorganization in the United States?

To quote Peter Walsh, the well-known professional organizer, you need to “Imagine the life you want to live.” Simply clearing out the clutter won’t solve the problem. While change can often be difficult, it’s not impossible.

Are you overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? I tell clients to start with the area that causes them the most stress. Determine which area you would like to organize. The next thing I do is break an overwhelming project down into smaller more manageable chunks. Get out a pen and a piece of paper and make some notes. List the action steps you will need to take. Plan a block of time in your schedule to get started. If you write it down, it is much more likely to happen. When your designated time period arrives, don’t procrastinate. As the Nike slogan says, “Just do it.”