The Myth of Time Management–Deborah Plouffe from!”

    The Myth of Time Management
by Deborah Plouffe

Here’s the myth: there is no such thing as time management. Time is a constant; it doesn’t change. We can’t manage time any more than we can change the direction of the tide. No, we can’t manage time.

We can only manage ourselves and plan to use our time effectively. When it comes to our professional success, the most important asset that we can allocate is our time. Even if it seems that the more successful we become, the less time we seem to have, the #1 key to efficiency is planning, scheduling and prioritizing our tasks effectively.

Take the time to consider these top three most important Time Tips:

1) Take time to write it down. If your prefer to keep track of your schedule and task lists in your head, give writing it all down a try for a specified amount of time and see for yourself how your efficiency will improve. Try the system that you think will work best for you. Carry a notebook, digital recorder or electronic aid to add to and keep track of your schedule.

2) Take time to plan. Take a least 30 minutes each week to plan out your weekly tasks and appointments. Remember to work toward aligning these tasks with your written goals, and don’t forget to set aside time to improve yourself. Evaluate and review past schedules to identify the time stealers and work to eliminate them. Remember that the best way to squelch a bad habit is to replace it with a good one.

3) Take time to prioritize. Learn to say “no” to low priority requests and don’t over commit yourself. Think before you leap into a new committment that is not in line with your written goals.

The way that you approach planning your time can make a more profound difference in your results than anything else that you do…and don’t forget the old adage that for every moment spent in planning an hour is gained.

Deborah Plouffe is a Canadian business writer and the owner of