Emotional Wisdom…by Susan Holm

Recognize your Emotional Wisdom

When you experience uncomfortable feelings like unrest, sadness, irritation or unhappiness, don’t be so quick to label them as bad feelings. Your feelings are genuine, and signs that something is stirring inside of you.

Our feelings direct us and shield us from harm. They help us know what is going on inside and around us. They are our teachers. Don’t judge your feelings but follow their direction to reveal the underlying issue, so you can move forward to a resolution.

Recovering your Emotional Wisdom

This month really listen to your emotions. When you repress your emotions, you are working against them.

But if you embrace your emotions, you work with them, so they can heal and provide protection as they were meant to do. Remember that emotional well-being is directly related to your physical and mental well-being. Don’t permit your feelings to drag you down. Acknowledge them, let them go, and then take action. Remember, responding in this way is not only a step toward creating a happier life, but you will also be moving toward living in an emotional state that supports good health. Every thought we have has a powerful effect on the body.

It’s important to be aware of the amount of emotional stress that you are attempting to cope with in life. Take some time to think about your life, and how you respond to external influences. Identify the specific emotional stressors that you are dealing with. Ask yourself the following questions. Your answers will go a long way in helping you reduce your stress load.

Do you enjoy your work/co-workers? Do you feel secure in your employment?

Are you in a supportive family/home environment? Do you have occasions to express and receive love?

Do you trust that you will always have enough of what you need? Do you have sufficient creative expression?

Does your environment feel like a sanctuary, without clutter?

Do you make time for relaxation during the course of your day? Do you enjoy deep restful sleep?

Do you take days off? Do you go on vacation?

Are your relationships harmonious? Are you involved in community activities (spiritual, sociable, professional, volunteer)?

Are you without any significant health challenges?

Have you accomplished a notable personal achievement in the past six months?

If the majority of your answers are YES, you have created a life that supports you emotionally. If you notice that you have more NO answers, take some time to evaluate how you can improve the quality of your life experience.

To begin, acknowledge and embrace your emotions, so that you can uncover their cause and work towards a resolution.


To begin recovering a sense of emotional wisdom, I will:




Suggestions to Help You Recover Your Emotional Wisdom

There are different things you can do in everyday life to ensure you remain in touch with your emotions. Consider the following:

Breathe slowly and deeply.

Rejuvenate with a nature break.

Let your media influences be uplifting and positive.

Get plenty of good sleep.

Make a commitment to regular stretches.

Write in your morning pages.

Schedule your artist dates.

Cultivate a spirit of gratitude.

Practice patience.

Emotional Wisdom Activities

Don’t let the winter weather get you down. Participate in some type of activity to keep your emotions positive and inspiring!

Indulge in a warm bath.

Take up Nordic Pole Walking.

Go see funny movies.

Play some of your favourite songs while making a lovely dinner.

Strap on your skates and skate on an outdoor rink.

Curl up with a copy of your long-lost favourite book and read a few chapters with a cup of tea.

A Little Inspiration

Stop resisting your feelings, so you can see what they offer you: a sense of wisdom, and a chance for nourishment and growth.

Susan Holm, Naturotherapist, and Owner of Natural Health Care Centre, provides therapies facilitating optimum wellness. These natural therapies provide relief from painful symptoms, correct the cause to help you live healthy, think healthy and stay healthy. Click here to learn more about how Susan can help you live your best life.