Posts Tagged ‘Michael Fletcher’

Yearly Self-Evaluation from Neworld

Posted on: February 3rd, 2015 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

compass_slantedOur associates at Neworld Coaching recommend a



Reflect on the past 12 months. It is NOT always enjoyable to look back and evaluate… But it is a necessary step towards growth and accountability.

Taking into account the five areas in the “Wheel of Life”… answer all of the following questions on a piece of paper.

  • Business
  • Financial
  • Personal Relationships
  • Health/Fitness
  • Self Mastery

What were your 3 biggest successes of the past year?

Did you  measure your successes in some manner (celebrations or other rewards)? If so… how?

What was your biggest failure?

What lessons did you learn from it?

What goals did you meet? (List up to the 5 biggest.)

What goals did you NOT work on?

Why did you choose not to work towards these goals?

Did you receive feedback from others (clients, associates, family) 
throughout the year? If so… what did you learn from it?

Did you save money toward Passive Income this year? If so… how did you invest it?

What progress have you made towards your Personal Relationships this year?

Are you more or less Healthy than you were a year ago? Explain why.

List 5 ways in which you improved your Self Mastery this year. (Self awareness… Self responsibility… )

What did you do to make YOU a better YOU?

List the 5 things that you are the most grateful for at this moment.


“Dream” about what life could BE like 3 years from today… After dreams are actually written down, they can be considered goals!

Using 5 pieces of paper… Title each with 1 of the areas of life.

Here are some guidelines:

  • Visualize and write your intentions in the present tense — as if you already have achieved what you want. “I earn x dollars” rather than “I will earn x dollars.”
  • Write down the first thing that comes into your mind without judging it. Follow your heart.
  • Use short, bullet points rather than narrative.
  • Start with blank pages and write all over them rather than using a linear format.
  • Use a variety of colors.
  • Write BIG and small.
  • Write on an angle, in an arc or even upside down.
  • Use plenty of drawings and graphics.
  • Do everything possible to engage your creative right brain in this process.
  • Be as clear and specific as possible.
  • The more specific your intentions, the easier it is for your unconscious mind to work towards creating them.
  • Rather than setting an intention to be “fit and trim”, set specific and measurable weight, cardio and fitness targets.
  • Intentions are like magnets… the bigger they are, the more they pull you forward.
  • Don’t worry if you are not clear… capture the thoughts you have even if they are vague.
  • These are intentions, not commitments.
  • You can go back and make changes anytime.

STEP # 3

Set a course for the New Year! Using your notes in the previous pages, begin to formulate a plan for the coming year.

We break it down into Quarters and plan 13 weeks of Goals for each.

Begin by choosing goals that you will accomplish in the first Quarter of the New Year.


P.S. If you need help formulating YOUR plan for the next year… actually DO the above exercise… I KNOW it will help you!

Food for Thought…from our friends at Neworld Coaching

Posted on: January 22nd, 2013 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

Here is some food for thought as you reflect on 2012 and move forward in 2013. Thanks to our associates at Neworld Coaching!


I choose my internal conversation

My self-talk lifts me up or brings me down

I choose my response to every situation

No one and nothing makes me respond

I choose my attitude towards my profession

I choose the way I treat other people

I choose what I will do about my physical health

I choose what I will eat or drink

I choose how happy I will be

I choose to maintain emotional control

I choose to act responsibly

I choose to grow spiritually

I choose what I will learn or if I will learn

I choose how much money I will earn,

and how many hours I will devote to earning it

I choose how much of my time, talent and treasure I will give to others

I choose to make my own choices and embrace my self mastery

I choose to make 2013 MY year!


P.S. Please drop by the Neworld from time to time to see if we are offering any tools or techniques that you might find helpful for your business growth.

The Bank Account of Life–from Michael Fletcher of Neworld Coaching!

Posted on: August 24th, 2012 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

As published in the Shameless Blog from Neworld Coaching

The Bank Account of Life

A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, moved into a nursing home today. He is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock, with his hair fashionably coifed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind. His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary.

After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready. As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window.

“I love it!” he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. “Mr. Jones, you haven’t seen the room yet; just wait.” “That doesn’t have anything to do with it,” he replied. “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged … it’s how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it.”

“It’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can stay in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away. Just for this time in my life. Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you’ve put in.”

When you put this in business terms … you can worry all day about the business dealings that you are involved in, or be negative about the potential clients that have fallen by the wayside, or you can choose to be positive and focus on the things that are going right in your business. My advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of life! I am still depositing, and I make a conscious effort each and every day to remember the “goodness” of people.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

 1. Free your heart from hatred.
 2. Free your mind from worries.
 3. Live simply.
 4. Give more.
 5. Expect less.




The Yearly Self-Evaluation–from Neworld Coaching!

Posted on: July 30th, 2012 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

While it’s not the beginning of a new year, it is the start of the second half of 2012. Even if you reviewed 2011 in December or early January, it’s always a good idea to review your progress every quarter. If you’ve gotten derailed, take stock and make the necessary adjustments to get back on track.


The Yearly Self-Evaluation

From our colleagues at Neworld Coaching

For years now, I have designated a couple of hours of time during the first two weeks of December to complete a Yearly Self-Assessment document. Although it may sound like a simple undertaking, it really isn’t. Reflection, soul searching and decision making can be arduous tasks to say the least. Although I always look forward to this exercise, I still find it difficult to analyze my failures and make realistic plans for the future.

Taking into account the five areas in the “Wheel of Life” (Business, Financial, Personal Relationships, Health/Fitness and Self Mastery)…

The first thing I do is reflect. I look back at the past year and ask myself a few of the “hard” questions. What were my successes and how did I celebrate or reward myself? What were my failures and how did I deal with them? Did I listen to feedback from my associates, clients & family? I ask myself these questions (and several more) in order to gain perspective and “keep it real”. The important thing to remember is not to be too hard on yourself. If you learn from your mistakes and growth occurs… then nothing was in vain!

“The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.

The next step is to “dream” of the future. A future where all of my goals are met or within reach. To accomplish this step I must do some sincere soul searching with regard to everything in my life. And because everything always takes three times longer than you expect… I call these my “three year intentions”. Writing quickly, using bullet points and spilling my dreams onto paper is quite liberating. I dream big! Intentions are like magnets, the bigger they are, the more they pull you forward! By redefining everything that I want to be… do… and have… over the next 3 years… I am analyzing my dreams and turning them into tangible goals!

The [last] part of my Self-Assessment is to create a plan for the coming year. I divide the year into four (quarters) and then set goals (usually a few large and a few smaller) to accomplish in each of the five areas. After choosing these goals and specifying when I want to achieve them, I have completed the Self-Assessment and I will be prepared at the beginning of the year to plan my first Quarter. At the beginning of each week I will use a Weekly Planner to set specific goals and I even assign points to myself when I complete a task! The process is a bit more involved than I let on here but suffice it to say that filling in my planner each week is a useful and tangible method for measuring my results and holding myself accountable.

Strategically planning, goal setting and accountability is the foundation of the Neworld Coaching Succe$$ System. Using a series of Planners similar to those mentioned above, along with a specific Weekly Planner and even a ‘Personal Board [Chart]’ we encourage our clients to take the steps necessary to meet their goals. Whatever they may be! As I mentioned, I have been doing this Self-Assessment for many years and I am pleased to share it with you…just click here to view the form. Print it and fill it out! I do… EVERY YEAR. Dawn even does it too and we compare our ideas. It is a great exercise! I hope you find it fruitful for you as well!

~Michael Fletcher

If you liked this article, check out more articles in Neworld’s Shameless Blog.