Posts Tagged ‘to-do list’

Help for the Arm-Long To-Do List!

Posted on: January 19th, 2016 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

Get Productive...


..You may be making THESE mistakes!

Is YOUR To Do list as long as your right arm? Whether it’s on paper, stored on our phones or stuck in our heads, we all have a long list of things undone that are with us constantly. We also tend to make two major mistakes with our lists that could make a HUGE different to our productivity if we could just overcome them!

First, we are often guilty of confusing quantity with quality. Don’t associate your self-worth with the number of things that you check off your list. Accomplishing tasks move us forward, but make sure that you are not working at smaller, urgent yet less important tasks instead of allotting time to complete what is most important first. Review your list again and set some new priorities.

The other huge mistake that we see people make is to use our to-do lists as a form of torture! We create lists that are so long that it is virtually impossible to complete them. Then we feel badly when we don’t accomplish everything that we had set out to do. Negative thoughts take far too much energy and often cause us to be less productive. Reduce the size of your list, reward yourself and feel better about your accomplishments. We wish you all the best in the New Year and hope that these ideas will help you to turn over a new leaf and make 2016 your most organized year yet!

Try these two small suggestions for yourself, and let us know how you did on our BLOG or FACEBOOK PAGE.


GET PRODUCTIVE…It All Starts With A Plan

Posted on: September 17th, 2015 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

Get Productive...

“The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”

– Chinese Proverb

Check out Coaching Positive Performance’s 7 Tips in How to plan for a productive day.

The majority of people have too many items on their To Do List. Daunting lists can be overwhelming and make it more difficult to get started with accomplishing those tasks.

Check out Leslie Shreve’s article What NOT to Use in Your Task List and Why.

Ask yourself, “How can I be more productive?”