Posts Tagged ‘Deborah Plouffe’

Summer Reading for Kids

Posted on: August 19th, 2014 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

GET READING  deborah-plouffe (125 x 142).jpg

Have you heard about the Summer Slide? How about the Summer Brain Drain?

For the majority of students heading into the month of August, school is a distant memory and learning has taken a backseat to fun. Students deserve a break, of course, but two months (or more!) can be a long time to go without the academic stimulation that educational activities bring–even for the best of students.

Apart from planned group activities available and summer vacations geared to learning, most educators recommend that the best way to keep them academically engaged is to encourage our kids to read, read, READ!

Here’s an extensive Summer 2014 Reading List from that covers all age groups from toddlers to teens. Even you parents might find a few good reads on this list!

Happy summer and happy reading from the rewriter!

Deborah Plouffe is the founder and CEO of, a business dedicated to helping YOU find the words YOU need to say!

Action Habits for Entrepreneurs

Posted on: February 18th, 2014 by Cathy Mendler No Comments


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“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runwayand hope someone will come along and push theairplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.” – Donald Trump


How was YOUR year in 2013? Are you looking forward to 2014, or bogged down by dwelling on all the things left undone? Being in business for yourself can be a long, tough haul–especially in the early stages of entrepreneurship.

Keep in mind that your most powerful resource as an entrepreneur is your OWN mind. You alone will decide whether you will allow yourself to be torn down by fear and doubt OR allow yourself to surge forward with new ideas and create something wonderful! The best cure for the unmotivated mind is almost always action. Whenever you feel unmotivated, the very best remedy is to do something every day to move forward and to build your business.

Here are a few of the most important action habits that we can adopt to move ourselves and our business forward to the next level.

Be a doer, not a “do not-er.” Take a step–any step that will propel you forward. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a giant step or a baby step, as long as it is taken in the right direction.

Don’t wait for conditions to be ideal. There will always be barriers and obstacles in the way. Face them as they come up, but don’t let them stop you from getting started.

Do what you fear. There’s a better place on the other side of your fears, and the only way to get there is going through the action that you fear.

Celebrate your successes. Set small and achieveable goals that will keep you motivated to move forward, and make it a point to reward your accomplishments. Don’t forget about those huge, dreamy goals, though.

Slow and steady wins the race. Study the masters and make notes of what motivated them, as well as what characteristics led them to achieve greatness. Do your best to emulate and adopt these qualities, which probably include things like passion, self-discipline, integrity and hard work.

Remember that motivation is the often the result of action (NOT the other way around). The very best way to get yourself moving toward accomplishing your goals is…to get yourself moving!

Deborah Plouffe is the founder and CEO of, a business dedicated to helping YOU to find the words YOU need to say! 

The Myth of Time Management–Deborah Plouffe from!”

Posted on: June 29th, 2012 by Cathy Mendler No Comments

    The Myth of Time Management
by Deborah Plouffe

Here’s the myth: there is no such thing as time management. Time is a constant; it doesn’t change. We can’t manage time any more than we can change the direction of the tide. No, we can’t manage time.

We can only manage ourselves and plan to use our time effectively. When it comes to our professional success, the most important asset that we can allocate is our time. Even if it seems that the more successful we become, the less time we seem to have, the #1 key to efficiency is planning, scheduling and prioritizing our tasks effectively.

Take the time to consider these top three most important Time Tips:

1) Take time to write it down. If your prefer to keep track of your schedule and task lists in your head, give writing it all down a try for a specified amount of time and see for yourself how your efficiency will improve. Try the system that you think will work best for you. Carry a notebook, digital recorder or electronic aid to add to and keep track of your schedule.

2) Take time to plan. Take a least 30 minutes each week to plan out your weekly tasks and appointments. Remember to work toward aligning these tasks with your written goals, and don’t forget to set aside time to improve yourself. Evaluate and review past schedules to identify the time stealers and work to eliminate them. Remember that the best way to squelch a bad habit is to replace it with a good one.

3) Take time to prioritize. Learn to say “no” to low priority requests and don’t over commit yourself. Think before you leap into a new committment that is not in line with your written goals.

The way that you approach planning your time can make a more profound difference in your results than anything else that you do…and don’t forget the old adage that for every moment spent in planning an hour is gained.

Deborah Plouffe is a Canadian business writer and the owner of